Deploying Dev Setup

This section goes through the steps of adding a new development network to nomad-deploy and deploying a new set of dev contracts. If you will not be adding a new network, please skip to Deploying the Contracts to Dev. If you are looking to deploy a new network to the production setup, please refer to the separate page on deploying new contracts to production.

Add a New Network Config

If you are looking to add a new network to your dev setup, you will need to create a new config file for that network in typescript/nomad-deploy/config/testnets.

  1. Copy the contents of one of the existing network's files into a new file titled <new_network_name>.ts.
  2. Rename the process.env variables (deployer key and RPC URL) such that they pull from the .env variables for your new network.
  3. Set the chainJson fields appropriately. For dev, this usually just means updating the following fields: name, domain, timelag.
  4. Set the devConfig and stagingConfig object fields appropriately. In practice, for dev, you leave devConfig the same and only update stagingConfig.optimisticSeconds.

Writing a New Deploy Script

Now that you've added a new network config, you must write a new deploy script that includes your new network.

  1. Duplicate the contents of an existing folder in typescript/nomad-deploy/scripts (core.ts and bridge.ts) and put them in a new folder for your new deploy script.
  2. In core.ts and bridge.ts adjust any import paths to pull in your new network config from typescript/nomad-deploy/config/testnets.
  3. Add or remove any other existing networks in core.ts and bridge.ts and ensure that the CoreDeploy objects for the desired networks are used in the deployTwoChains or deployNChains calls at the bottom of the files.
  4. Add new npm scripts to typescript/nomad-deploy/package.json that execute your new core.ts and bridge.ts files. The scripts will look like the following:
"scripts": {
    "deploy-<script_folder_name>-core": npx ts-node scripts/<script_folder_name>/core.ts,
    "deploy-<script_folder_name>-bridge": npx ts-node scripts/<script_folder_name>/bridge.ts

Deploying the Contracts to Dev

The following section walks through the steps for deploying a new set of contracts to dev.

  1. Clone the monorepo and take a look at nomad-deploy.

  2. Populate .env.example with the required RPC endpoints and funded deployer keys -- place it at typescript/nomad-deploy/.env, see the example

  3. Prepare Local Dependencies

nomad-deploy is configured to use the local versions of the Nomad typechain interface and the Nomad SDK, as such the local Node modules must be initialized.

# Install dependencies for typechain
$ cd typescript/typechain
$ npm i


# Install dependencies for nomad-sdk
$ cd typescript/nomad-sdk
$ npm i
  1. Install Dependencies
$ cd typescript/nomad-deploy
$ npm i
# Links local modules to nomad-deploy
$ npm run relink-all
  1. Execute a Deploy Script

Note: See below for more details about the available deployment scripts.

# Deploy core contracts first
$ npm run deploy-<your_script_folder_name>-core

# Then deploy bridge contracts
$ npm run deploy-<your_script_folder_name>-bridge
  1. Commit Outputted Configs

If all goes according to plan, you will have a new folder at rust/config/<timestamp> containing JSON files that are used by the Off-Chain Agents. Please rename this folder appropriately (development if this will become the new dev setup). When committed to the monorepo, the config files are automatically bundled into the resultant Agent docker image in CI.

Note: Deployment environments may be overridden by replacing the environment's config folder with the contents of your new timestamped configuration.

Updating Nomad SDK Dev Addresses

If your newly deployed setup will become the new dev setup, you will need to adjust the hardcoded domains, indexing parameters, and addresses in the Nomad SDK. Go to typescript/nomad-sdk/src/nomad/domains/dev.ts. For each NomadDomain object:

  1. Update the indexing parameters (blocks and from) with the chunk and from fields from rust/config/development/<network>_config.json.
  2. Replace all addresses with those in the the newly outputted config file rust/config/development/<network>_contracts.json. For the home and replica addresses, use the proxy addresses.
  3. If you deployed a new network that has not been seen before, add a new NomadDomain object and fill it with the correct fields.